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date | 2001-04-06:16:10 |
now in bloom on my patio | First bloom of fuchsia Dollar Princess (deep purple in deep fuchsia pink) opened today; Blue Eyes, Winston Churchill, Dusty Rose, Southgate all started. First freesia blossom will open tomorrow--looks like yellow. All wisteria buds have opened. |
fallacies |
Personality tests. Meyers-Brigg.Hasty generalization and fallacy of accident (first, they use very specific and not very well developed questions to make very peculiar broad sweeping generalizations; then they attempt to apply all these general rules to the individual taking the test.) Really bad combination.Many questions commit fallacy of complex question; I found that I wasn't able to answer yes or no very firmly to too many of them. Use of results of personality tests: Weirdly, people consider these tests to be meaningful, an informative tool with which to proceed into social or employment sitations. Talk about top-down rationalistic cathedralic thinking! Undecided whether what is tested is actually personality (meaning that I should radically change my definition of 'personality'), or some small subset thereof, or something else. I guess "Some Psychological and Behavioral Factors Test" is considered too difficult a name to pass on to the general public, so they dumb it down to "Personality Test". (I feel like there are vast regions of my personality that aren't even touched by the questions nor the descriptions of the resulting evaluation.) Amusing scores of my test in "metrics". I took the test, but the description of intj doesn't fit me very well at all. Some of the statements apply very well; others, not in the slightest. I looked a couple of other descriptions. Ah, hah. That's where the rest of my personality is! I first checked the type that didn't have any of the same letters in its name. I also appear, by my own evaluation, to be an ESFJ! Oh, dear. I had not thought the Meyers-Brigg could be as bad as the Enneagram. I fit the description of the isfp just as well as the other two. To fit me in I think I'd need a category something along the lines of fistpjne. This shows that the categories are not mutually and exclusive and jointly exhaustive, and in this case that indicates that the individual labels don't really pick out complementary classes. Deep-seated erroneous philosophical premises, such as the idea that Thinking and Feeling are opposites, and that if you are one you are not the other. I find that the description of my astrological sign, Picese, is about as accurate. |
surrealism |
(See Meyers-Briggs scores in "metrics" entry!) Questions to consider adding to the Meyers-Brigg test:1. Have you ever bathed?2. Do people yell at you a lot? 3. In the last 5 years, have you had an uncontrollable fit of laughter?
5. Do you have a hairstyle? 6. Do you do laundry at least once a week?
8. Do you consider yourself a great catch? (Reconsider answer to (1) above.) 9. Do you think that women are naturally less critical and intj-ish than men? 10. Do you think it is possible that the expression 'hot babe' could apply to males? 11. If a woman makes a critical remark about you, are you more offended than you would be by a man making the same remark? (use imagination) 12. Were you able to answer question (11) above (i.e., to use imagination)? 13. Can you name something that you have actually improved in the last week? (write in name___________________). 14. What is the best response to the request, "Please don't expel gas at the table."
metrics |
As copied from results page of http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.aspYour Type is INTJYour Type Preferences %Introverted 11 Intuitive 33 Thinking 11 Judging 22 You are: weakly expressed introvert moderately intuitive personality weakly expressed thinking personality weakly expressed judging personality Specific Questions about these results: Shouldn't everyone rate strongly in some aspect, and shouldn't the result reflect that? If all of your traits are weakly expressed, does that mean you have weak personality? Does it mean that you don't actually have a personality? If everyone has a personality (in the same way that everyone has a skin color), does it mean that the test doesn't really measure personality but something else? Does it mean that you don't have a pronounced personality, but sort of fade into the background? Does it mean that these are just weak aspects of your personality, but that there are factors which you express strongly (but aren't measured by this test)? Does it mean you're really repressed? If it means you're repressed, ought that to show up in the final result, or is repression not a personality factor? Are the people who create these tests really repressed? If people frequently comment that you have a strong personality or are intense but your test shows no strong factor, does that mean that the common use of the term 'personality' is wrong? Should I defect to one of the other personality types, since this one is such a poor fit? Since I have very little in common (in terms of what I call 'personality') with other people who test intj, does that mean I'm schizophrenic? Or are other people's lives really that narrow and restricted, that they can fit into any of these categories?General Questions about personality tests:Do relationships with or interests in animals, plants, nature, sensuality, or beauty have anything to do with personality? If so, then why aren't any of the questions about those things? Given that interest in these things is hard empirical data that people can easily answer about themselves, doesn't it make more sense to ask people whether they are into frilly flowers and fluffy animals and then conclude things from that, instead of asking questions that are subject to speculation and interpretation and then inferring hard empirical data from the answers?General ConclusionPsychometrics test creators need a philosopher real bad. |