now in bloom on my patio
Plants Blooming or Budding Now:Fragrant:Fragrant shade plants in bloom:Daphne odora; clustered flowers pink and white inside, purple out; smells exactly like the classic cologne "4711" Camellia japonica "Kramer's Supreme"; brilliant red peony form; smells like the wax used to make chewable Halloween toys such as wax flutes. Brunfelsia australis; purple flowers that turn blue, then white; smells similar to Stargazer liliesFragrant shade plants in bud:Brunfelsia pauciflora "Floribunda"Fragrant part-shade plants in bloom:Osmanthus fragrans (Sweet Olive); extremely tiny flowers have a heavy, sweet fragrance that I can't describe Myrtus communis "Compacta"; sweet and slightly turpentine Jasminum polyanthum (Pink Jasmine); flowers white with pink bases, very strong and sweet Heliotropium arborescens 'Lord Robert'; smells like vanilla Epidendrum ibaguense (Crucifix Orchid); just a slight undefinable orchidy scent, for a few afternoon hoursFragrant part-shade plants in bud:Gardenia augusta "Veitchii" Gardenia augusta "August Beauty" Gardenia augusta "Mystery" Gardenia augusta "Radicans" Gardenia augusta "White Gem"Fragrant sun plants in bloom:Senecio rowleyanus (String of Beads); white clove-scented tufts not much bigger than the spherical leaves Senna artemisiodes (Feathery Cassia); bright yellow; can't classify the sweet scent Dianthus Modern Pink "Allwoodii"; clove-scented single pink flowers Citrus limon "Improved Meyer" (Dwarf Meyer Lemon); flowers and leaves smell like lemon lollipops Lantana camara (smells vaguely of mint but accompanied by strong weedy odor that I'm learning to like; flowerheads open pink and yellow and mature to orange and red)Fragrant sun plants in bud:Magnolia soulangiana "Athena" (deciduous; spring bloom; 10-inch flowers, white inside, purple outside, smell like Hawaiian Punch) Magnolia grandiflora "Little Gem" (evergreen, leaves glossy dark green above, with rusty fuzzy undersides; spring-summer-fall bloom; 5-inch white flowers, classic intoxicating magnolia fragrance at human nose level (slow to 15 feet)Just Color
Blooming in full Shade, just color:
Cyclamen persicum, in smooth hot pink and ruffled white with red edges Camellia japonica (pink rose form) Primula, Polyanthus Group, in blue, purple, yellow, and red
Blooming in full Sun, just color:
Bougainvillea Royal Purple (brilliant purple) Bougainvillea Rosenka
(orange/pink/rose) Bougainvillea Carmen (deep purplish-red)
Bougainvillea San Diego Red (bright red) Strelizia (Bird of
Paradise) Diascia "Blackthorn Apricot) Euryops pectinatis
"Viridis" (brilliant yellow petals and centers) Tibouchina urvilleana
(Princess Flower) (large, flat deep purple flowers with prominent tangly
stamens) Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (hot pink and orangish yellow)
Crassula ovata (Jade Tree) (star shaped pinkish white flowers)
Duranta erecta (Sky Flower) (sweet light blue flowers, very dark green
leaves, very well-behaved, neat, upright woody plant)Blooming in
mostly shade, just color:RhododendronsBudding in mostly shade,
just color:Dietes irisiodesBlooming in mostly sun, just
color:Leptospermum scoparium "Snow White" (double white; dark green
leaves and seeds) Leptospermum scoparium "Ruby Red" (double deep
red; dark red leaves, black seeds) Leptospermum scoparium "Apple
Blossom" (double pink; reddish green leaves, reddish green seeds)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "Mrs. Jimmy Spangler" (single flowers red at
based fading to yellow at edges) Bougainvillea "Royal Purple"
Bougainvillea "Rosenka" Bougainvillea "Carmen" Coleonema
pulchellum "Compactum" (Pink Breath of Heaven)Blooming in full sun,
just colorBougainvillea "San Diego Red" Euphorbia pulcherrima
(Poinsettia), in bright red, and marbled pink and dark red
Strelizia (Bird of Paradise) Coreopsis (Mouse Ear Coreopsis)
Pelargonium (Ivy Geranium) (blinding white with delicate lines of maroon) Cistus purpureusTHE FUCHSIA HYBRIDS!Fuchsias In full bloom:First Love (bushy upright; white and pink sepals, semi-double lavendar corollas) Silver Queen (slightly upright; pink sepals, semi-double lavender corolla) Southgate (upright with very long weeping branches; huge light pink double flowers) Flying Clouds (upright; pure white single flowers) Jingle Bells (upright; deep fuchsia sepals, single pure white corolla) Dollar Princess (upright; deep fuchsia sepals, deep purple very formal double corolla) Winston Churchill (upright; deep fuchsia sepals, purple and lilac frilly double corolla)Fuchsias In full bud:Guinivere (slightly upright; white sepals, blue corolla) Dusky Rose (trailing; very large, whorled flowers Baby Blue Eyes (trailing to bushy; very rounded flower shape, deep fuchsia sepals, double lavender corolla, usually with just one dark blue petal) Golden Marinka (trailing; leaves splotchily varigated with white and light yellow; fuchsia sepals and deeper red corollas) Voodoo (slightly upright; long Fuchsias Growing madly, not blooming:White Pixie (upright; small flowers, bubblegum pink sepals, single white corolla) Nicci's Findling (upright; small flowers, peach sepals, raspberry corolla)Fuchsias Just Sitting There:Blue Satin (bushy to upright; huge flowers, white sepals, double blue/lavendar corolla) "Dark Eyes"Evergreen Shrubs, Trees, And Vines Not Blooming Or Budding Right Now:Just colorFeijoa sellowiana (Pineapple Guava Tree) Hibiscus rosa-sinesis "White Wings" Convolvulus tricolor "Blue Ensign" (Bush Morning Glory), from seed Mandevillea x amoena "Alice Dupont" Mandevillea sanderi "My Fair Lady" Disticus riversii (Royal Trumpet Vine)Fragrant flowering plants resting or just growing:
Rosa Hybrid Tea "Tropicana"
Stephenotis floribunda (Madagascar Jasmine) Citrus Calamondin
Acid Mandarin, varigated) Citrus Sweet Orange (Navel) Acacia baileyana Choisya ternata (Mexican Orange) Murraya exotica (Orange Jessamine) Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine) Cestrum Nocturnum (Night Blooming Jasmine) Eleagnus pungens "Fruitlandii" Hoya carnosa (Wax Flower) Brugmansia x Candida "Plena" (Angel's Trumpet) Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle) Wisteria sinesis Sarcoccoca confusa (Sweet Box) Beaumontia grandiflora (Herald's Trumpet) Ternstroemia gymnanthera Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet Pea), seedlingsJust Color, resting or growing:Bougainvillea "Orange King" Bougainvillea "Raspberry Ice"Just Food:Just sprouting from seed: Nasturtium officinale (Watercress)In bud: Psidium cattleianum (Strawberry Guava)Just growingMentha peppermint